Iuri Akobia
2.c Boujema Kariouch JT,2011

1.Re7+! [1.Se5!? Ka8 2.Sf3 (2.Sc6 Qd5+ 3.Kxb2 Qxc6= ) 2...Qh8 3.Rab1 (3.Se5 Sa4 4.Kb3 Sxc5+= ) 3...Qf6 4.Rxb2 Qa6+ 5.Kb1 Qd3+ 6.Ka2 (6.Rc2 Qb3+ 7.Kc1 Qxf3= ) 6...Qa6+= ; 1.Rab1!? Ka8 2.Rxb2 Qc4+ (2...Qd5+ 3.Ka1 ) 3.Kb1 Qd3+ ; 1.a8Q+? Kxa8 2.Re8+ (2.Se5 Qc3!= ) 2...Kb7! (not 2...Ka7? 3.Se7 main line) ] 1...Ka8 2.Re8+ WHite forced bK to square a7 2...Kxa7 3.Se7! (With threat Sc6+) [3.Se5? (With threat Sc6+) 3...Kb7! 4.Re7+ (4.Rb8+ Kc7= ) 4...Kc8= ] main B 3...Qxc5 [main A 3...Qf2 (with the mutual pin of Nights) 4.Kb3+! Kb7 5.c6+ Kc7 6.Sd5+! (6.Raa8? Sd1 7.Sd5+ Kxc6= ) 6...Kxc6 7.Sb4+ Kd7 8.Ree1! Qb6 (pin of wS) 9.Re4 (Thematic try 9.Ra6!? Qc5! (9...Qd4? 10.Re7+! Kxe7 11.Sc6++- ) 10.Rh1! Qc4+ 11.Ka3 Qe4! 12.Rhh6 (12.Rh7+? Kc8! 13.Rc6+ Kd8= ) 12...Sc4+ 13.Kb3 Sa5+! 14.Ka4 Sb7!= ) 9...Sd3 10.Rd1! pin of bS 10...Kc8 11.Rxd3 and easy win] 4.Kxb2+ Kb7 5.Rb1! (battery wK-wR) 5...Ka7! 6.Sc8+ Kb7 7.Rg8! Qa5 [main 7...Qd4+ 8.Ka3+! (8.Ka2+? Kc7!= ) 8...Kc7 9.Rc1+ Kd7 10.Rg3!+- or also; 7...Qe3 8.Kc2+! (8.Ka2+? Kc7= ) 8...Kc7 9.Rc1 (echo battery wK-wR) 9...Kd7 10.Rd1++- ] 8.Se7 Kc7 [main 8...Qe5+ 9.Ka3+! (9.Kc2+!? Kc7 10.Rc8+ Kd6 11.Rc6+ Kxe7= ) 9...Kc7 10.Rc8+ Kd6 11.Sd5!!+- ] 9.Rc1+ Kd7 10.Sc6 Qb6+ [main 10...Qb5+ 11.Ka3! Qd3+ 12.Ka4! (thematic try 12.Kb4!? Qd2+ 13.Rc3 Qb2+ 14.Rb3 Qd2+ 15.Rc3 Qb2+ positional draw) 12...Qa6+ (12...Qe4+ 13.Sb4 (echo self pin of wS)) 13.Sa5+- (echo self pin of wS)] 11.Ka2!! [Thematic try 11.Ka3!? (compare with with 16.Ka3! in the main line) 11...Qe3+ 12.Kb2 Qe2+ 13.Rc2 Qb5+ 14.Kc1 Qf1+ 15.Kb2 Qb5+ 16.Ka3 Qd3+ 17.Kb2 positional draw] 11...Qf2+ 12.Ka1! Qf6+ 13.Kb1! Qf5+ 14.Kb2! Qf2+ 15.Rc2 Qb6+ 16.Ka3! Qa6+ [or also 16...Qe3+ 17.Ka4 (17.Kb4 Qb6+ 18.Ka3 Qe3+ loss of time) 17...Qe4+ 18.Sb4 (echo self pin of wS)] 17.Kb4! Qb6+ 18.Ka4 Qa6+ 19.Sa5+- (echo self pin of wS). Batteries, selfpins, exchanges of a thematic try and main lines.
