Updated: 17.06.2014
Chess and Art ......
The Commission of Chess Composition of Georgia announces an annual traditional Thematic Internet Tournament studies for 2014
The theme:
logical study based on a choice of a "pin position"(any color pinned pieces). Requires at least one "pin position" for each phases (thematic try & main line). These positions must be different from each other .
Логический этюд с выбором "позиции связки" любой фигуры (белой или черной). Требуется минимум одна связка в каждой фазе (ложный след и главный вариант). Позиции связок должны отличаться друг от друга.
Judge: Iuri Akobia (Georgia)
Are nominated prizes, honorable and commendation mentions.
The selected original studies periodically will be published in the website: http://akobiachess.gol.ge
The preliminary award can see on 25.02.2015 in the same website. Original studies and all remarks regarding the published studies (no more than 3 per composer) should be sent to the address:
Closing date: 25.12.2014
1.Ra6+ Qa7 2.d7 Rc1+ and two
choses for wK:
Logical try 3.Kd6? Kb7 4.Rxa7+ Kxa7 5.d8Q d2 6.Qa5+ Kb7!
7.Qxd2 Rd1 pin - 8.Qd5+
8...Kb6! 9.Nd4 e1Q! Phoenex 10.Qc6+ Ka7! 11.b6+ Ka6 12.b7+ Ka7 13.Qb6+ Kxb6 14.b8Q+ Phoenex 14...Ka6 15.Qa8+ Kb6 16.Qb8+ Ka6 positional draw
Correct chose - 3.Kd5!! Kb7 4.Rxa7+Kxa7 5.d8Q Phoenex 5...d2 6.Qa5+ Kb7 compare relevant positions (after 6...Kb7) with the thematic try
7.Qxd2 Rd1 pin 8.Qd4!
swittchback with the -Phoenex, chameleon echo (see the thematic line 8.Qd5) 8...Rxd4+ 9.Kxd4 Kb6 10.Kc4 win.